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To produce holistic and skilled minded leaders of tomorrow
The department strives to teach the main ideas and methods of mathematics and Physics to build up the students reasoning and analytical skills.


Mr. Sailesh K Singh(HOD Mathematics and Physics)


Mathematics and Physics Department Report

Mathematics is all around us and helps us understand the world better. To live in a mathematically-driven world and not know math is like walking through an art museum with your eyes closed. Learning and appreciating math can help you appreciate things that you would not otherwise notice about the world.

Mathematics is used in practically every career in some way. Obviously, mathematicians and scientists rely on mathematical principles to do the most basic aspects of their work such as test hypotheses. The present age is one of skill-development and innovations. It is a tool in our hands to make our life simpler and easier.

Physics is second only to mathematics in the purity of its principles. Physics describes how the natural world works through applied mathematical formulas. All other natural sciences stem from physics. Physics theory is responsible for the breakthroughs in electronics that precipitate advances in modern computers and electronic media.


The department has taken part in the following activities:

Team Mathematics Competition- reached national finals in past competition. In 2009 form 6 team gained 1st place at finals and form 7 came 3rd in 2010 finals. Team Physics Competition- reached national finals in the past competition. Fiji Mathematics Competition- students participate every year. 138 students participated in FMC this year. Ayush Singh of Year 9D gained prize certificate.

Mathematics and Physics Awareness week

Inter- form team Mathematics Competition and Physics Quiz Competition.
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